Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why kaizen my life?

The reason why I chose kaizening my life as my blog title is mainly because of the word kaizen.  While pondering about what the title of my blog should be, I considered relating it to my goals for this year, to improve my skills, overcome my fears and live a better life.  Suddenly, I remembered my friend from work who told to me about the meaning of kaizen and I decided to use it not only as part of my blog's title but also my life.  Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy meaning constantly improving or making things better.  Even though this term is usually used in businesses, I believe it can also apply to everything we do.  Everyone can improve on something in their life no matter how rich or good they are because no one is perfect.  Although living a perfect life is impossible, I still would like to keep on improving every aspect of my life such as my relationships with my family and friends, communication skills, or even how to be more efficient when I do things.  It might not be easy to improve on everything but I am willing to "sacrifice the lollipop today for the bike tomorrow " just like what my friend said.  This inspires me to keep on moving forward and not give up no matter what challenges I have to face because in the end, I know that I would be happy I went through it, learned something from my experiences and from there, I could further improve my life.

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